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  Prevention is better than cure - AVG 8.5                

Lancing and Sompting Clubs & Community Pages

This section is to promote local activities, clubs and groups, and to provide links to other web sites that are of interest to Lancing and Sompting.

If you would like something to be considered for this page, or would like a link added, please email us with details.


National Blood Service LogoThe National Blood Service visits the Parish Hall in Lancing approx once a month, and their "Bloodmobile" (a big articulated mobile donor unit) visits the Lancing Business Park roughly twice a year. Cable & Wireless (NTL), Adur District Council, Lloyds Registrars, Parafix, Eshmann Bros, the Scouts Association and Dennis and Robinson are amongst the companies that visit these sessions.

For further information, or to enrol, please contact the Donor Helpline on:
08457 711 711.

(Calls charged at local rate)

A message to Lancing and Sompting residents from Derek Carr of the National Blood Service:

Recent sessions have been very successful (and very busy!). At the last session held at Lancing Parish Hall 168 people attended and we were able to collect 150 donations. The great support shown by local people means that the donations collected at the last session will help at least 300 patients in local hospitals receive the treatments they need.(at least 2 people benefit from each donation)

The continuous hospital demand for blood means we have to collect 10,000 donations EVERY DAY, nationally. Without the help of local communities and local business, (either by attending or through advertising our blood collection sessions) we would find it very difficult to meet these demands.

A massive thankyou to all local residents and businesses for their ongoing support and for 'Doing something amazing'.

Kindest Regards
National Blood Service